MONEUL, 2024-2027

The Erasmus+ MONEUL project is dedicated to fostering inclusive digital learning about the European Union within the Humanities, Languages, and Teacher Training departments of partner universities in Mongolia.

ELAT, 2022-2025

The Jean Monnet initiative is dedicated to providing knowledge about the European Union, which is not currently part of the curriculum for teacher training. ELAT aims to address the need for (future) teachers to acquire knowledge about, among other things, Read More …

MELINC, 2019-2024

The Erasmus+ MELINC project is dedicated to capacity building for academic staff and professionals across various disciplines from different regions of Mongolia to implement the recommendations of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities throughout the country.

Introduction of the MELINC project at the IRMO Info Sessions, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels (Belgium), 20 October 2020

The central International Relations Office of Vrije Universiteit Brussel (IRMO) organised the IRMO Info Sessions to outline to VUB staff how the VUB International Relations Office, Financial department, Legal Department, will help make the approved Erasmus+ project work.The session was Read More …

Methodological seminars on Formulating Learning Outcomes, Translation and the Glossary in Education Law and Litigation and Public Events, Moscow (Russia), 6-13 November 2018

From 6 till 13 November 2018, the EduLAw methodological seminars dealing with the formulation of the learning outcomes for the modules and course in the updated syllabi (WP2.2), translation of e-resources teaching materials (WP3.1), internal quality monitoring (WP5.2), project coordination Read More …