The National Erasmus+ Office in Russia, under the leadership of Prof. Olga Oleynikova (Director of NEO Russia), carried out a field monitoring visit to the EduLAw project 573540-EPP-1-2016-1- BE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP at Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafin and at Mari State University. The project has a visible impact at individual and institutional levels, however, the results are different and diverse at the monitored Universities. The NEO established that the project has enhanced the multidisciplinary collaboration between different target group (teachers, pedagogical scientists and lawyers) improving networking and rights-based decision making in education thus stressing the relevance of interdisciplinary approach enhancement and reskilling at large. As a result of the monitoring, we are pleased to note that the following outcomes and benefits produced by the project continue: a number of disciplines have been developed and modernized; the glossary (an international tool for mutual communication due to envisaged difficulties of the legal terminology), a textbook on law and rights, T&L materials produced, lectures continue to be used in the lectures; digital education has been enhanced on the institutional level; enhanced teaching methods in terms of new interactive forms are implemented (audiovisual lectures, problem-based learning, discussions, brainstorming, case-study, conference approach, joint student’s project development); from LLL perspective a number of training courses have been introduced for a wide society; on individual level the competencies for target groups developed (value-semantic competencies in terms of an individual educational trajectory); educational and cognitive competencies and self-assessment skills, skills of legal and procedural literacy; digital skills; communicative competence; personal self-improvement skills; interdisciplinary communication etc. The project web-site is regularly updated ( and maintained as the platform for mutual exchanges in the materials, new ideas, updating of the produced deliverables and cooperation strengthening.