This page provides a compilation of all the ELA publications developed during the course of the project.
EduLAw textbooks
The EduLAw textbooks are final deliverables of the EduLAw (ELA) Erasmus+ project running from 2016 till 2019 in Belgium Lithuania, Poland, Albania, Russia and Belarus. The staff of the project partners authored the lectures/chapters of the textbook during internship meetings and development seminars and workshops and shared their experiences and outcomes with third partners and students at a series of international and national D&S events.
- “Introductory Textbook On Law and Rights for Students in Teacher Training and Educational Sciences”
- “Tekst Udhëzues për Legjislacionin dhe të Drejtat për Studentët e Mësuesisë dhe Shkencave të Edukimit”
- “Введение к курсу лекций «О праве и правах для студентов педагогически х специальностей и слушателей курсов для педагогов»”
This section allows the constant sharing of lectures and materials among the project partners developed as the intellectual outputs of the Erasmus+ project.
Online tutorials
Video tutorials on the project youtube page
Textbook table of contents
- “Introductory Textbook On Law and Rights for Students in Teacher Training and Educational Sciences” – table of contents
- “Tekst Udhëzues për Legjislacionin dhe të Drejtat për Studentët e Mësuesisë dhe Shkencave të Edukimit”- përmbajtja
- “Введение к курсу лекций «О праве и правах для студентов педагогически х специальностей и слушателей курсов для педагогов»”- cодержание
Printed textbooks (password protected)
- “Introductory Textbook On Law and Rights for Students in Teacher Training and Educational Sciences”
- “Tekst Udhëzues për Legjislacionin dhe të Drejtat për Studentët e Mësuesisë dhe Shkencave të Edukimit”
- “Введение к курсу лекций «О праве и правах для студентов педагогически х специальностей и слушателей курсов для педагогов»”
Files of the lectures put by the partners on their MOODLE PLATFORM (password protected)
Additional reading materials produced by the partners
- Additional Reading Part 1
- Additional Reading Part 2
- Additional Reading Part 3
- Additional Reading Part 4
- Additional Reading Part 5
Articles in Journals
- Elena Shinkareva, Development of Law on Protection from Disability-Based Discrimination in Russia, Białostockie Studia Prawnicze, 2018, Vol. 23 nr 4: [20]
- Anna Drabarz, Review of Lisa Waddington, Anna Lawson (eds.), The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Practice. A Comparative Analysis of the Role of Courts, Białostockie Studia Prawnicze, 2018, Vol. 23 nr 4: [20]
- Mariëtte (JM) Reyneke, Lynette Jacobs, Can legal remedy be used to address bullying and cyberbullying in South African schools?, Polish Journal of Educational Studies, ISSN 2657-3528 2018, Vol. I (LXXI)
- Leonard Etel, Maciej Perkowski, Łukasz Kierznowski, The Border University Network as a Response to Academic Challenges in the Field of Internationalization, EEJTR 2017 Vol. 1 no. 1 (2017)
- Gracienne Lauwers, The Erasmus+ EduLAw Project for Strengthening Rights-based Education, EEJTR 2017 Vol. 1 no. 1 (2017)
- Uladzislau Beizerau, The Essence and Content of Integration Processes in the Belarusian System of Education, EEJTR 2017 Vol. 1 no. 1 (2017)
- Szymon Jankiewicz, Nadezhda Knyaginina, The Legal Regulation of Instruments for Identifying and Supporting Gifted and Talented Pupils and Students in Germany, EEJTR 2017 Vol. 1 no. 1 (2017)
- Veranika Radyhina, Iryna Turchanka, Development of Non-Discrimination Ideas in Education in European Countries and Belarus, EEJTR 2017 Vol. 1 no. 1 (2017)
Contribution to books
- Amélia Lopes, “Still Building a Better World? Research Reflections on Teacher Education and Identity”, in Kowalczuk-Waledziak, Korzeniecka-Bondar, Danilewicz, Lauwers, ‘Rethinking Teacher Education for the 21st Century’, Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2019, p. 15-32
- Gracienne Lauwers, “Reshaping Teacher Training to Get the Right Education System for a Knowledge Society”, in Kowalczuk-Waledziak, Korzeniecka-Bondar, Danilewicz, Lauwers, ‘Rethinking Teacher Education for the 21st Century’, Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2019, 32-44
- Livia Nano, Nada Kallçiu, Nikoleta Mita, “The Albanian Student-Teacher Perspective on Reasons for Choosing Teaching as a Career”, in Kowalczuk-Waledziak, Korzeniecka-Bondar, Danilewicz, Lauwers, ‘Rethinking Teacher Education for the 21st Century’, Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2019, 69-88
- Aušra Rutkienė and Tetiana PonomarenkoInitial, „Initial Teacher Training Challenges in a Context of Educational Reform in Lithuania”, in Kowalczuk-Waledziak, Korzeniecka-Bondar, Danilewicz, Lauwers, ‘Rethinking Teacher Education for the 21st Century’, Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2019, 131-141
- Heliona Miço, “The Teaching Profession in Albania and the Continuous Need for Improvement through Teacher Training Reforms”, in Kowalczuk-Waledziak, Korzeniecka-Bondar, Danilewicz, Lauwers, ‘Rethinking Teacher Education for the 21st Century’, Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2019, 141-159
- Manjola Zaçellari (Lumani), “Teaching Practice in the Albanian Context: Student-Teachers’ Perceptions regarding their Experience in Teaching”, in Kowalczuk-Waledziak, Korzeniecka-Bondar, Danilewicz, Lauwers, ‘Rethinking Teacher Education for the 21st Century’, Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2019, 159-175