The Vilnius workshops and international conference were the EduLAw final multidisciplinary events. The events were hosted by Vytautas Magnus University Education Academy in Vilnius.
It showcased the ERASMUS+ EduLAw deliverables and the accomplishments within all the partner institutions from the EduLAw project. The partners informed participants about the benefits gained by their students and the impact of the project on other users of the course and stakeholders in education. The main course deliverables are the multilingual textbook “Introductory Textbook On Law and Rights for Students in Teacher Training and Educational Sciences” and the accompanying online video tutorials. The course is of great value in the partner countries in transition.The final event consisted of a series of workshops, an international conference and interactive sessions aimed at stimulating discussions on new collaboration projects.
Programme of the Final International Conference, Vilnius (Lithuania), 8-13 October 2019
D QC Final International Conference Vilnius Evaluation Report Questions
D QC Final International Conference Vilnius Evaluation Report Results