Kickoff meeting Moscow (Russia), 2-4 February 2017

On the 2th and 3th February 2017 the ELA Project held its work group kickoff meeting bringing together institutional projectmanagers and modular teamleaders of the consortium. On February 4th the consortium held its steering committee meeting. The project vision, goals and objectives, workpackages and financial issues were explained and the different elements in the partnership agreement debated. The meeting was co-organized by Moscow City University, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (grant holder coordinator) and the European Association for Education Law and Policy.
Furthermore, the kick-off meeting gives visibility of the project through the first ELA evening lecture on “The development of the rights in education of children with special needs” by Elena Shinkareva, limited to invited officials and professionals in the educational field.

Output materials:

  1. Programme
  2. Presentation MCU including teacher training programme
  3. Presentation VUB (overall presentation)
  4. Presentation MSAL including teacher training programme
  5. Presentation MarSU including teacher training programme
  6. Presentation NarFU including teacher training programme
  7. Presentation GSU including teacher training programme
  8. Presentation BSPU including teacher training programme
  9. Questionnaire and answers on teacher training and the status of teachers
  10. Analyses teacher training by Georgia du Plessis
  11. Presentation on the modules and project visibility
  12. Presentation on the project management and guidelines
  13. Presentation of the evening lecture by Elena Shinkareva
  14. Draft delegation and communication plan for the writing of the modules