From the 24th April till the 5th May 2017 the ELA Project held its meetings with the Rectors of Tirana University and Durrës University, the work group kickoff meetings with Albanian institutional projectleaders, discussions on the development of the modules to be written by the Albanian experts and the modular teamleaders of the consortium, the Albanian internal quality controller, and the Albanian NEO monitoring visit. The project vision, goals and objectives, workpackages and financial issues were explained, discussed and the different elements in the partnership agreement debated. Furthermore, the kick-off meeting gave visibility of the project through the Albanian sponsored ELA evening lecture on “Mobility of third country students in the European Union ” by the grant holder.
Output materials:
- Programme
- Presentation UT including teacher training programmes
- Presentation UD including teacher training programmes
- Presentation on the modules and project visibility
- Presentation on the project management and guidelines
- Draft delegation and communication plan for the writing of the modules
- MNG Minutes Albania CC 2 meeting