From 11 till 13 April 2018 the ELA Project participated in the international forum on ‘Axiological and Legal Aspects of Disability’ (WPD&S 6.2). The conference was organized by the Department of International Law, Department of Administrative Law and the Institute of Philosophy and Ethics of Law in cooperation with the Legal Centre for Research on Education (LCRE), the Podlaski Sejmik Osób z Niepełnosprawnościami, Podlaskie Voivodeship and the Honorowy Patronat Prezydenta Miasta Białegostoku.
The aim of the conference was to create a forum for the exchange of the research results and scientific views of various environments dealing with issues of disability, including lawyers, philosophers, sociologists, teachers, medical doctors, political scientists and economists.
Partners also invited stakeholder organisations of persons with disabilities, local and regional education authorities, and practitioners dealing with different disability problems in their everyday work.
The plenary and parallel sessions on the legal framework during the International Conference were organized at the Law Faculty of the University of Bialystok (P3) with the participation of the experts in special needs education from Moscow City University (P9), Mari State University (P11), the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after MV Lomonosov (P12), the University of Tirana (P5), Francisk Skorina Gomel State University (P7), Maxim Tank Belarusian State Pedagogical University (P8), Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas (P2), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (P1 grant holder coordinator) and the European Association for Education Law and Policy (P4).
Furthermore dissemination was realised through the promotional material (e.g. EduLAw modules output posters, flyers with the EduLAw logo and the url of the website, poster session at the international conference) (WPD&S 6.3).
Quality control consisted of the evaluation forms of the dissemination event, fine-tuning of a number of the modules by external experts, project teaching staff participating in the plenary and parallel sessions at the international conference with Q&A (WPQC 5.1 and 5.2).
The MNG meeting was held to plan the next stages of the project within the estimated budget and distribution of tasks (WPMNG 7.1)
Programme of the International Stakeholder Forum on ‘Axiological and Legal Aspects of Disability’
- MNG Minutes CC 2019 Bialystok
- MNG Protocol 2019 Bialystok