Role in the project: associate partner
Institution: National research university Higher school of economics
Dr Szymon Jankiewicz is the Director of the Center for Applied Legal Research of the Institute of Education of the National research university Higher school of economics. He specializes in public law, legal regulation of education in Russia and abroad, financing of the education system, problems of inequality in education, and balance between accountability, autonomy and rights of the participants of education relations. Dr Jankiewicz took part in the projects on development of the monitoring system of education in Russia, designing concepts of development of higher education in the subjects of the Russian Federation, legal regulation of identifying and support of gifted kids. He is a member of the research projects of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, National research university Higher school of economics (Moscow), Jagiellonian University (Poland), University of Sheffield (UK). Author of more than 70 scientific publications in Russian and foreign (English, Polish, Italian) languages.
Some publications:
- Szymon Jankiewicz, Commentary to Chapter 4 (in authorship with Sergey Postylyakov), Chapter 6 / Commentary to the Federal Law on Education in the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2015.
- Szymon Jankiewicz, Sergey Postylyakov, Execution of the Rights and Responsibilities of Students: Analysis of the Russian Legislation and Law Enforcement // Reforms and Law, 2015, Vol. 2.
- Szymon Jankiewicz, Improvement of the Legal Regulation of Identifying and Support of Talented Students in Russia // Education Policy, 2016, Vol. 1 (71).
- Szymon Jankiewicz, Review of Novels in Financing of Extracurricular Education // Reference manager preschool, 2016, Vol. 10.
- Szymon Jankiewicz, Tax Incentives for Kindergartens // Reference manager preschool, 2016, Vol. 9.