Role in the project: institutional project leader, educational research
Institution: Kutafin Moscow State Law University
PhD in Philosophy, Deputy Dean, Institute of Private Law; Senior Lecturer, Institute of Legal Translation and Interpretin.
Some publications:
- Mitrushchenkova Anastasia N., Pecha Kucha as a tool for developing speaking skills in foreign language acquisition. Proceedings of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference «Implementation of modern educational technologies in educational institutions in the context of Federal State Educational Standards. From theory to practice». Krasnodar, 2015. pp. 74-78.
- Mitrushchenkova Anastasia N., Method «6-3-5» as a means of developing communicative skills of law students. Proceedings of IX Conference «Language and Law» (topical issues of theory and practice). Moscow: MSU, 2015.
- Mitrushchenkova Anastasia N., Developing technical creativity through digital technologies. Scientific Journal «Historical and Social-Educational Ideas», №2, 2015. pp. 229-232.
- Mitrushchenkova Anastasia N., Innovative approaches in foreign language teaching in the context of transition to two-level system of higher education in Russia. MSABA Bulletin. Moscow, 2012. pp. 135-140.