Role in the project: education law, rights of children and rights of persons with disabilities expert
Institution: European Association for Education Law and Policy
Elena obtained her degree in law at the Pomor State University (Russia, Arkhangelsk), postgraduate degree of candidate of sciences in law (Moscow State Social University, 2007). Her thesis was devoted to the right to education of the child with disabilities. Worked as legal adviser, lecturer at the faculty of law (Pomor State University), guest researcher at the faculty of law (University of Tromsø, Norway). Currently is a legal adviser for organizations of persons with disabilities and a lecturer at the Institute of open education (Arkhangelsk, Russia).
Some publications:
- Уроки по пониманию инвалидности в школе: пособие для учителя : [16+] / [сост.: Т.Н. Седовина, Е.Ю. Шинкарева]. – Архангельск : Лоция, 2016. – 128 с. [Lessons on understanding disability: a teacher’s guide. Sedovina and Shinkareva. Arkhangelsk].
- Шинкарева Е.Ю. Законодательное оформление права на образование для учащихся с особыми образовательными потребностями и инвалидностью в Архангельской области. В кн.: Региональная политика и практика инклюзивного образования. Под науч.ред. Соловьевой Л.Г. Архангельск: Институт открытого образования, 2015. – 161 с. Сс. 15 – 25. [Shinkareva E. Legislative design of the right to education for children with special needs and disability in Arkhangelsk region. In: Regional policy and practice of inclusive education, Arkhangelsk, Institute of open education, 2015, pp. 15-25].
- Шинкарева Е.Ю. Инклюзивное образование в международном праве. В сб: Состояние и перспективы развития инклюзивного образования: сб. материалов межрегиональной науч.-практ.конф. Архангельск: изд-во АО ИОО, 2013. Сс. 7 -10. [Shinkareva E. Inclusive education in international law. In: Current status and prospects of development of inclusive education: Anthology of interregional academic and practitioners’ conference. Arkhangelsk, Institute of open education, 2013].