Role in the project: researcher
Institution: Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank
Position: Head of the Department of World History and Methods of Teaching History BSPU
Ph.D (Pedagogics), Assistant Professor
Professional interests: educational and cognitive activity of students on History and Social Studies lessons; scientific and methodological support of the educational process on History in secondary schools; competence approach in historical education.
Some publications:
- Korzyuk, A.A. Use of documentary materials in the study History and Social Sciences / A.A. Korzyuk, N.A. Dziamidava. – Minsk, 2012. – 117 p.
- Korzyuk, A.A. The use of historical sources on the lessons of History and Social Sciences / A.A. Korzyuk. – Minsk, 2016. – 168 p.
- Korzyuk, A.A. Formation of the steady cognitive interest of students of the 8-9 classes to the study of the history of Belarus / A.A. Korzyuk. – Minsk, 2016. – 96 p.
- Korzyuk, A.A. Methods of teaching history in descriptions, diagrams and tables / A.A. Korzyuk, I.I. Bahdanovich. – Minsk, Belarusian State Pedagogical University, 2017. – 204 p.
- Korzyuk, A.A. Methods of teaching social sciences / A.A. Korzyuk. – Minsk, Belarusian State Pedagogical University, 2018. – 244 p.
- Social Studies: Strategies for a successful lesson / Сompiled and edited by A.A. Korzyuk. – Minsk, Belarusian State Pedagogical University, 2018. -108 p.