Candidate of pedagogical Sciences, master of law. Seven years experience in teaching educational programs of higher education (bachelor and master) and additional professional education. Has been working in the Federal service for supervision in the field of education and science, expertise of educational projects, programs (center of expertise in education of the Russian Academy of education), research related to the legal regulation of educational relations. Currently, Deputy Director of the Institute of law and management for research, associate Professor of educational and information law of the Institute of law and management.
Some publications:
- Alimov, G. G., Ladnushkina N. M. Feckin S. I. State regulation of educational activities: theory and practice. Monograph. M.: Knegtel, 2017, 323 p.
- Pashentsev D. A., Ladnushkina N. M. Feckin S. I. Education law: issues of theory and practice. Monograph. Ryazan: publishing house “Concept”, 2017, 236 p.
- Ladnushkina N. M. Local regulations: typical violations in the development and adoption of// “public education”.2018. No. 3-4.
- Ladnushkina N. M. Paid educational services: typical violations// “public education”.2018. No. 10.