Genc Alimehmeti

Genc Alimehmeti is Associate Professor at the Department of Management, University of Tirana, Albania. He completed his Ph.D. at the University ‘G. d’Annunzio’, Italy, and his undergraduate studies at the University of Bologna. His research interests lie in the area of school leadership, corporate governance, corporate social responsibility and entrepreneurship. He works as consultant for the IFC–World Bank Group; Delegation of the European Union to Albania; Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations (TACSO), etc.

His research interests lie in the area of internal control systems, bankruptcy, corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, entrepreneurship and school leadership.

Some publications:

  • Bezzina, Ch.; Paletta, A.; Alimehmeti, G. (2017) “What are School Leaders in Italy doing? An observational study”, Educational Management Administration & Leadership. 1-23. DOI: 10.1177/1741143217694896
  • Prifti, R.; Alimehmeti, G. (2017) “Market orientation, innovation, and firm performance—an analysis of Albanian firms”, Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Vol. 6, Issue 8. 1-19 DOI: 10.1186/s13731-017-0069-9
  • Paletta, A; Alimehmeti, G. (2016) “Analisi delle condizioni di efficienza economica del concordato preventivo”, Working paper OCI – Rapporto di ricerca 2016.
  • Paletta, A.; Alimehmeti, G. (2016) “SOX Disclosure and the effect of the Internal Controls on Executive compensation”, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance. doi: 10.1177/0148558X16630445.
  • Alimehmeti G. (2015) “Case studies on School Leadership”, in “Leadership for Learning”. IPRASE. Vol. 7, Issue 1.
  • Paletta, A., Bezzina, C., Alimehmeti, G. (2015) “L’osservazione sul Campo del Lavoro dei Dirigenti Scolastici: tra amministrazione, management e leadership“, RicercAzione. Vol. 7, Issue 1. ISSN: 2036-5330
  • Paletta, A.; Alimehmeti, G. (2014) “Intellectual Capital Management and School Performance”, RicercAzione, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2014. ISSN: 2036-5330
  • Alimehmeti, G. (2012) “Good Governance in Higher Education”. International Journal for Education Law and Policy; Volume 9, Issue 2, 2012, pg. 23-28. ISSN: 1574-3454