Higher education graduated in Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL).
7 years’ experience of conducting research in the sphere of education management.
Tatyana Kulikova is a creator of additional professional programs for educational institution managers, teaching a discipline “Educational law” to bachelors.
Some publications:
- Kulikova Tat’yana B., Some Issues of Realization of Public Supervision in the Sphere of Education in Order to Protect Childrenfrom Information Harmful to Their Health and (or) Development. Vestnik of the Omsk Law Academy, 2(14), 2017, 104-109.
- Kulikova Tatyana B., Demashova Yulia A. Legal Grounds for Monitoring of Efficiency of Educational Institutions of Higher Education. Administrative Law and Procedure, 2, 2018, 66-70.
- Babin Yurii V., Kulikova Tatyana B., Stroev Vladimir V., Yudina Tatyana P. Mechanisms of assessment and development of the managerial potential of the higher education organization head in the Russian Federation // 10th International conference on Education and new Learning technologies. Proceedings of EDULEARN’18 Conference 2nd-4th July 2018, Palma, Mallorca. P. 7977-7986.
- Tatyana B. Kulikova, Problems of legal regulation of licensing control over educational activities. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 10(1), 2019, 72-83.