Role in the project: education expert, project coordinator in NArFU
Institution: Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Higher School of Humanities, Social Sciences and International Communication
Position: Associate Professor, candidate of sciences (PhD) in language pedagogy.
Elena Vorobyeva has profound experience in developing and managing bachelor and master programs as since September 2012 till September 2016 she has been Deputy Director for Education at the Higher School and before that Head of Modern Languages Chair for more than 10 years. She also has experience in participating and working as project coordinator in a number of international projects on intercultural communication and education. She has taught courses on teacher training and intercultural communication and developed teaching resources for the courses. Her research interests lie in the field of language pedagogy and teacher training. Currently she is managing a project group within Tempus ALIGN “Achieving and Checking the Alignment between Academic Programmes and Qualification Frameworks”.
Some publications:
- Vorobyeva,E., Schipitsina L. Information Technologies for Humanity Students: Results of Academic Module Development/ / ALMA MATER (Vestnik of Higher School). 2015. №12.pp. 53-56.
- Vorobyeva, E., Strelkova, S. Principles of a Joint Master’s Degree Program in Humanities//Vestnik of NArFU. Arkhangelsk. 2014. № 3. pp.134-140.
- Vorobyeva, E. Information Technologies for Language Education. Monograph. – Arkhangelsk, Pomor State University, 2011.- 122 p.
- Vorobyeva, E. Integrating Media Culture into Language Teaching//Foreign Languages at School Journal. 2010. № 7. рр. 59-62.