Role in the project: education expert
Institution: Aleksander Moisiu University of Durres (Department of Pedagogy)
She is the rector of the University “Aleksandër Moisiu” of Durres. She is the member of the Department of Pedagogy. For more than 12 years she is engaged with teaching, research, publishing, and practice in educational sciences and teacher education.
Some publications:
- Sotirofski, K. (2014). Managing skills of higher education managers in Albanian universities. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. Vol.3, No. 4.
- Sotirofski, K. (2014). Academic conflicts in higher education institutions. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Vol.5, No. 16. • Sotirofski, K. (2014). Teaching and learning in higher education in Albania. Journal of Educational and Social Research. Vol.4, No.3.
- Sotirofski, K. (2014). Organizational culture impact on psychological empowerment of academic staff. European Journal of Sustainable Development. Vol.3, No. 2.
- Sotirofski, K. (2011). Social and Cultural dimensions of the Transformations of Higher Education in Albania. Scientific European Journal. Vo l. 10.