Role in the project: member of the working group
Institution: Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank
Position: Teacher at the department of andragogy of the Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining BSPU
Some publications:
- Shastsitka K.V. Development of a tolerant attitude towards children with special needs among students of a pedagogical university / K.V.Shastsitka // In the world of research: materials III International Fair of Projects of Students, Cheboksary, October 29, 2012 / NOU DPO “Expert and Methodological Center”, rare.: M.P. Nechaev (Ed.) [And others]. – Cheboksary: Educational and Methodological Center, 2012. – P. 712-717.
- Shastsitka K.V. Art as a mean of forming a vocabulary of preschool children with a general underdevelopment of speech / K.V.Shastsitka, N.N.Bal // Theoretical-methodical recession of Ivan Gavrilovich Eremenka and saccharion (up to 100-ricentry of the day of the people’s): collection of materials of II ukranian scientific-practical student’s conference October 24, 2016 / edited by VM Synev, I.P.Kolosnyk. – edition 2. – Kiiv: View of the NPU named after M.P.Dragomanov, 2016. – P. 133-135.