Role in the project: member of the working group
Institution: Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank
Position: Senior lecturer at the Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining BSPU
Some publications:
- Rahel K.N. To the problem of the formation of communicative competence in pupils with mental disabilities in the process of learning the Russian language / I.A. Sviridovich, K.N. Rahel // Vestsi BSPU. Series 1, Pedagogy. Psychology. Philology. – 2015. – № 3. – p. 19 – 22.
- Rahel K.N. Formation of communicative competence in pupils with mental disabilities in the process of learning the Russian language / K.N. Rahel / / Pedagogical research-contribution to the innovative development of Russia : Collection of scientific articles of the International scientific-practical conference on April 21-24, 2015 / Red.: T.B. Alekseeva, V.V. Gladkaya, I.E. Kondrakova, Y.S. Matrosov, N.M. Fedorova. – SPb. : Publishing house RSPU named after Herzen, 2015. – P. 59-62.