International Conference, face-to-face, Ulaanbaator (Mongolia), 16 and 17 December 2021

The Ulaanbaator international conference and workshops were the first national face-to-face MELINC event with digital interventions from non-Mongolian partners. The conference also included the broader public and representatives of Mongolian ngo’s for persons with disabilities and governmental institutions. The event was hosted by the Mongolian State University of Education (MSUE) in Ulaanbaator.

It showcased the ERASMUS+ MELINC video tutorials and the first-year accomplishments within the Mongolian partner institutions from the MELINC project. The partners informed participants about the benefits for the students and the impact of the project on stakeholders and other users of the modular online inclusive education course. The main first-year course deliverables are the 10 online video tutorials already developed by the consortium partners. The workshops aimed at stimulating discussions on new initatives to be taken and at discussing the budget and the schedule for MELINC activities in the second year.

More information, pictures and video of the event in Mongolian can be found on the Mongolian MELINC facebook page.

MELINC Facebook page as pdf