Byambadash Uuganbayar studied at the Mongolian State University of Education, Preschool Education (2011-2016) and obtained the Master of Education degree at Khovd University (2016-2018)
Some publications:
- “Features of speech development in children who grew up in a bilingual environment” XIII международная научная конфернция Природные условия, история и култура западной моноголии и сопредельных регионов. Барнаул, 20-22 сентября 2017 г
- “Ability to play with others while playing with the “Shagai” of 4-5 year olds” XIII международная научная конфернция Природные условия, история и култура западной моноголии и сопредельных регионов. Барнаул, 20-22 сентября 2017
- “Results of a five-year-old Kazakh child’s language development experiment” Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on Language, Culture and Intercultural Relations, 2018
- “A study of the speech development of five-year-old Kazakh children” Journal of Education Studies of the National University of Mongolia, 2018
- “Features of speech development of five-year-old Kazakh children” Article in the March issue of the “Education Studies” magazine of the Mongolian State University of Education
- “A study of speech development in children who grew up in a bilingual environment” Proceedings of an international scientific conference on the main topics of basic education- Jining, Ulanqab, China Teachers’ College
- “Results of a study on the adaptation of children under 2-3 years of age to their environment” Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on Language, Culture and Intercultural Relations, 2020