Role in the project: member of the working group
Institution: Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank
Position: Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs
Academic Degree / Title: Ph.D (Pedagogics)
Activity: At present, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Participated as Deputy Director of the Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining BSPU in the organization and implementation of educational programs of advanced Training and Retraining of teachers such as: «Management of educational institutions», «Psychology of Management», «Teaching experience: theory and practice descriptions and representations», «Intensive training: organization of technology education process», «Theory and psychology of management», «Supervision as the technology of conflict resolution», «Time management in the activities of the head of the educational establishment», «Development of corporate culture in the educational institution». Published more than 50 works
Some publications:
- Makouchyk A.V. Methodological culture as the basis of the practical work of the teacher // specialist of the XXI century: psycho-pedagogical training and professional competence: materials of IV Intern. scientific-practical. Conf., Baranovichi, 22 October. 2015 – Baranovichi: Baranovichi State University, 2015 – S.99-100.
- Makouchyk A.V. The motivational component of methodological culture of the teacher // Training and retraining: problems and prospects: Proceedings of the international. scientific-practical. Conf., Minsk, on November 12. 2015 – Minsk: Belarusian State Pedagogical University, 2015. – S. 152 – 156.
- Makouchyk A.V. Improving the efficiency of the pedagogical control // Vocational Education. – 2014. – № 1. – S. 30-34.
- Makouchyk A.V. Interactive methods of control of knowledge of adult learners ”Rate your colleague” // Adukatsyya i vyhavanne. – 2014. – № 3. – S. 76-79.