In september 2018, a series of workshops took place with South African experts in Mpumalanga, Johannesburg, Bloemfontein and Cape Town. This enabled participants to put questions to and exchange views with experts on subjects associated with the use of technology in education and its impact on governance, disciplinary measures and on cooperation on current project calls. The workshops were open for the public. The workshops were also used to build the networks of experts of Flemish and South African Education Law Associations and to increase their participation at South African and European education law conferences and calls.
Meetings were conducted with the participation of the South African Education Law Association/ Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Onderwysreg (SAVO/ SAELA) with i.a. J. Deacon, President of the South African Education Law Association; SACE (South African Council for Educators) with E. Mokgalane (CEO) and G. Moroasui; FEDSAS (Federation of Governing Bodies of South African Schools) with D. Swemmer, R. van den Bergh (technologies in education), J. van der Merwe & J. Merabe; UFS (University of the Free State) with R. Reyneke (Trauma sensitivity and restorative practice in the code of conduct for learners), N. Simmons (Violence in South African public schools), M. Reyneke (Restorative discipline); North-West University (NWU) with pedagogical scientists E. de Waal, A. de Wet, E. Serfontein on classroom management and social media and with lawyer M. Smit; DKVG (leading law firm in Cape Town) with S. Duffet & G. van Niekerk; schools principals and staff from education policy departments from different regions of South Africa.