Role in the project: member of the working group
Institution: Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank
Position: Director of the Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining BSPU
Academic Degree / Title: Ph.D (Pedagogics), Assistant Professor
Scientific interests: Adult education, Elementary education, Theory and Psychology of Management, Management in education, Intensive technology training, Interactive Techniques, Reflection. Published more than 60 works.
Some publications:
- Shastsitka I.V. Organization of reflective activity of pupils: Theory and Practice // Pachatkovaya school. – №№ 1-12. – 2011.
- Shastsitka I.V. Health as an educational value: Theory and Practice / Shastsitka I.V., Klezovich O.V. // Pachatkovaya school. – №11. – 2012. – S.56-58.
- Shastsitka I.V. Technology control of the educational process and evaluation of educational achievements of students // Shilov E.S., Shastsitka I.V. / Review is a collection of scientific works: scientists note 15. Issue – Minsk BGUFK 2012.
- Shastsitka I.V. Modeling of adaptive educational environment as a means of improving the quality of adult learning // Shastsitka I.V. Shilov E.S. / Collection of scientific articles of the Republican scientific-practical seminar “Innovative technologies in the system of supplementary adult education”, Brest, 27-28 September 2012 / EE “BrGTU”. – Brest, 2012. – S.19-23.
- Shastsitka I.V. The reflexive approach to building health-preparedness activities among the audience in the process of training // Shastsitka I.V., Klezovich O.V./ Collection of scientific articles of the Republican scientific-practical seminar “Innovative technologies in the system of supplementary adult education”, Brest, 27-28 September 2012 / EE “BrGTU”. – Brest, 2012. – S.19-23.
- Shastsitka I.V. Formation of professional competence of the teacher in the reflexive establishment of an additional education of adults // Shastsitka I.V. / Zbornіk navukovyh Prace Akademіі paslyadyplomnay adukatsyі. Vyp.12 / redkal .: AP Manastyrny ( [i іnsh.]; ROVs “Akad.paslyadyp.adukatsyі”. – Mіnsk: APA, 2014 – S.208-215.
- Shastsitka I.V. Substantive aspects of preparation of the teacher-andragogist / Shastsitka I.V. // VIII International scientific-practical conference. conf, St. Petersburg, 21-23 October 2015 “Teacher education in the CIS countries: current issues, concepts, theory and practice.”. – SPb .: FGBNU “IPOOV RAO”, 2015. – S.199-204.