Rovena Sulstarova

Role in the project: legal expert
University of Tirana (Faculty of Social Sciences)

She is a senior lawyer, currently enrolled in the Ph.D. program in education in the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tirana. Also she teaches the course “Law dimension in education” in the Master Program Education Policies and Leadership offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Tirana. She holds a master degree in European Studies, from the Institute of European Studies, University of Tirana. Her work experience includes positions in education policy management, as well as teaching positions in universities. She has worked four years as the head of law department in the Ministry of Education and Science. In the University of Tirana and Polis University she has taught courses on European Law and International Law. She has participated in various national and international conferences.

Some publications:

  • Sulstarova, R. (2012). The Legal Reform in Higher Education Facing the Exigencies of Albanian Society, Social Studies 6 (3): 75-82.
  • Sulstarova, R. (2015). Implementation of Bologna Process in Albania”, presented in the international conference “Implementation of Bologna Process in South-eastern Europe”, organized by College of Tourism and Management in Konjic, Bosnia and Hercegovina, 24-26 September.
  • Sulstarova, R. (2015). The Reforms in Governance of Higher Education in Albania, presented in the international conference “The State, Society and Law”, organized by Aleksander Moisiu University in Durres, 2 May.
  • Sulstarova, R. (2014). “Higher Education Governance as a Key Issue for the Albanian Society”, presented in the international conference “Law and Values in Contemporary Society”, organized by European University of Tirana in Tirana, 21-22 November.